Mencik's Sportscards
1002 Red Harvest Road
Gambrills, MD 21054
(888) 228-9113
(410) 672-5859
Mencik's Sportscards

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Mencik's Sportscards is looking to buy any sportscards from 1969 and earlier. Baseball is our preferred sport, but we will consider hockey, football, and basketball as well.

We are paying 25% of Beckett HI column for NM or better cards and 10% for EX or better cards. We really aren't interested in lower grades (anything with creases) unless part of a larger collection. We are looking for stars, semi-stars, and bulk-lots of commons.

Some have asked us why are buy prices are as low as they are. If you will notice, most of our sell prices are at 50% of Beckett HI, sometimes even less. That makes it very difficult to pay much more and still remain profitable. We encourage you to shop around and see if you can sell for more elsewhere. However, our experience is that while some dealers will pay slightly more for selected stars, most will pay significantly less for your bulk commons, if they want them at all. If we have enough cash, we'll buy the whole lot.

We are not very interested in the more modern cards, but we will consider them as part of a larger purchase, or if we have a buyer known to us that is looking for what you have. Also, we can handle the sale of your cards on a consignment basis if you wish. Please see our consignment page for details.

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Material Copyright © 2001 Mencik's Sportscards.